International Village Produce
Times Museum Guangzhou in China
June 2017

A solo with pictures on transparant screens and films in boxes that show three recent village productions from Russia, Germany and the Netherlands. Meanwhile Wapke Feenstra is in the Museum as a Banyan Commune Fellow and co-creates New Goods.

Wapke Feenstra, staff and curators Times Museum: Tan Yue, Jinglun Zhu, Cathleen Pan, Banyan Commune, Shaofei Yuang, local workshops, workers and villagers of Huangbian.

Through a retrospective exhibition, street-interventions, newly-commissioned goods and a documentary, we hope with Huangbian Village to learn visions about their neighbourhood and local production.

The show lasts for four months, and comprised of three stages. In the first stage, Myvillages will share the three village practices: “Höfer Lace” (Germany), “Banki/Jars” (Russia), and “Beestachtige Schat/Wild Treasure” (The Netherlands), which correspond to three themes: the neighbourhood and social life, natural resources and materials, and the history of production and culture. These three practices are the framework for the second stage of the residency. Participatory experiences and organized activities are held so that residents can re-acquaint themselves with Huangbian’s natural and material resources. This newly-commissioned “product” and the documentary (realized with the filmmaker Yuan Shaofei) shows the process of the new created good; the Huangbian Bag. Both film and bag are from mid-July part of the exhibition and add the third and final stage to the International Village Produce project.

Residency Period:2017.5.29 - 6.24
Exhibition from 6 June till 8 October 2017

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